These pictures are of my original interview location I was thinking of using, I have decided not to use this location as it didn't have the cold impression I wanted as it looks more like a school environment then a prison. In addition, it would of been difficult filming there because I would of had to film after school when it was dark so, as a result would of had to use the artificial lighting which I didn't want. I didn't want the canteen lighting because I wanted the shots to be in natural blue toned lighting rather than harsh warm toned. Also, it would of been quite difficult as there would have been a lot of noise and I needed it to be completely quiet for the full dramatic effect.
Anchorage- words that accompany the picture e.g. 'The past never dies it kills' I think the anchorage is used as one of the main focus points of the poster because of the crisp white italics harshly contrasting against the faded black background. The colour tone and contrasting immediately catch the audiences eye. In addition, the short and snappy anchorage has a underlying dark message personifying the past which makes it interesting so, draws in the audience in. Preferred reading- When audiences respond to the product the way media producers want/expect them to: I feel that the audience responds to the poster with a burst of adrenaline and terror due to the graphic and eye- catching image which is the producers aim. In addition, when I first saw the poster I felt on edge and shocked at how realistic the image is. I think the producers aim for the audience to feel extremely on edge to convey the full effect of demonic possession and all the other underlyin...
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