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Scene 1

EXT. Bedford prison- day
In the heart of Bedfordshire, south of England, is Bedford prison containing one of Britain's most violent killers. Scene 1 presents the outside of Bedford prison showing the location where the documentary is set

NARRATOR: TILLIE ROLFE, British story specialist, narrator and presenter for many documentaries of varied genres, 17 years old.
Bedford prison. Situated in Bedfordshire is a maximum security unit home to some of Britain's violent criminals, one of them being Niamh Slaney.
Slaney has murdered 11 people and has been given a 250 year prison sentence. Her case has raised serious questions, what causes extreme violence? and what we understand about the nature of evil itself?
I have come here to meet her face to face to see if she will tell us what made her such a violent killer.

Scene 2

IN. My house/Bedford prison

Scene 2 presents an interview with the prisoner inside the prison's in an intense discussion about the prisoner's version of what happened.

PRISONER: NIAMH SLANEY, British, 17 years old, student, from Bedfordshire

I can't picture you as someone who would mastermind a whole mass murder...
That's what everyone says. My own family said there were no possible reasons or signals that would make them consider me ever doing anything like this. I was an ordinary regular girl, I still am.
People think of you as a monster, how does that make you feel?
It's horrible, it hurts and upsets me because the outside world don't know me. This one thing I did ruined my life and ruined how people judged me.
People on the outside do not understand what evil is.
Do you know what evil is? Are you evil?
Scene 3- My house/ Bedford prison
You're the most dangerous person I have encountered, yet I can't think of one explanation why you did this. Tell me in your own words exactly what happened.
Well me and mum got into an argument over my behaviour, how I was treating my sister, brother and both herself and dad really badly, being generally disrespectful and rude all the time as I would have a lot of severe mood swings which most times resulted into violence regularly. Within seconds our argument turned into a fight and I... got really violent and threw a glass at her. All I can remember doing in screaming, nothing else. I was so upset and hurt, so much pent up anger inside... I don't know why but I took a knife and left the house. Next thing I know I am covered in blood with police surrounding me and people lying on the floor... it was like I blanked out and turned into a different person entirely. A monster I guess.
Do you know any of the people you killed? Do you remember killing them at all?
They are all complete strangers to me, I don't know any of them or anything about them. I don't remember killing any of them, everytime I try and remember something, I see black nothingness.
How did you get on with your siblings and parents generally? Was it a happy home?
When I was younger I got on with my brother and sister... we used to go out and play like normal kids. As I became a teenager I isolated myself from all of them, I dont know why, I felt lonely and a outsider. It was like a switch flipped, I turned into a different person. I started constantly arguing with all my family and I became really violent to everyone. I guess I feel guilty... I changed the once happy normal family home into... a miserable and depressing home. I ruined all their lives... made their lives hell.
How did you feel after you killed those people, after it sank in?
It didn't sink in until i was in the interview room where the police were telling me the facts of what I have done... I broke down. I have never expressed any emotion apart from anger in my entire life... and that was the first time I have ever publicly expressed any human emotion. Even though I was crying as soon as it sank in... I felt numb. 
You said you broke down in the interview, why?
I think the feeling of disgust and hatred for myself was just too overwhelming.
Do you see yourself a celebrity here?
Of course
In what way?
Everyone knows what I'm here for.
Do you enjoy the attention?
Sometimes. Sometimes it becomes a hassle.

Annotated script:

I have decided to add another perspective from a family member into my documentary so have added an extra scene:

Scene 4
INT: filmed in school
What was Niamh like growing up?

Ellie (Niamh's sister):
She was a very quiet girl, found it hard to fit in at school. Since she was very young she has always been quiet and anxious. The way she coped with this was by isolating herself from people.

What was home life like, did all the family get on?

Ellie (Niamh's sister):
Home life was happy and normal until she became older, she would constantly fight with mum, dad and our brother. It became a miserable place to live, she was tearing the family apart.

What did you think when you found out about the murders?

Ellie (Niamh's sister):
I didn't believe that was my sister. I knew she could be a violent person at times, but not this, not murder.


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